Everyone in this world requires money. It is altogether impossible to lead life without money. Be it a job or business, money plays a pivotal role. I am going to write this post exclusively for the palm readers those who have been struggling for money as a palmist, thus this ideas will surly help to earn money.

Earning money in the field of palmistry, astrology, numerology, tarot reading, Vastu Shastra and all other forms predictive technology has been quite enticing during last couple of years.
Some astrologers and hand readers are quite successful and have a phenomenal media presence. While, some have been struggling for few bucks. Few astrologers and palmist have been earning Rs 1000 per minute, while, some have been struggling to make both ends meet.
Free palmistry VS paid palmistry
There are many sorts of people in the field predictive palm reading. Some are working as an amateur as they have different sources of money and earning. They do palmistry completely free that triggers nightmare for the paid palmists. However, a good and knowledgeable paid palmist fears nothing.
For years, I have offered free services to the people starting from my college career to my professional high paid IT career. The people do gather around you when you do it free and start laughing what you predict. Everyone has a hands. Hence, it becomes easy to extend the palm towards the palm reader.
Although, I have predicted many people free of cost, I felt it is difficult to manage to do palmistry without money.
When you accept a huge amount of money for a palm reading, the people think that you are a great palmist. If you do it free, the people would say, he is just learning and doing it for fun.
Why the palmist require money
It is not easy to become a palmist. Particularly, in the modern days of the internet and mobile technology. The traditional and offline consultation has been the story of the bygone days. Today, people are eager to do everything on the go. I have seen more than 90% of my clientele are from internet.
There are many mobile applications that are equipped with panel of astrologers those who offer services while you are on the move.
Apart from this, there are many ecommerce astrological portals that offer telephonic consultation. I am giving some of the examples of the websites that offer telephonic consultation. The customer needs to pay the astrologer per minute cost. Unfortunately, these websites don’t offer palmistry services.
If you visit these Apps and websites, you will have an insight as to how to develop an app and ecommerce astrology and palm reading portal.
When you are a palmist, you need a smartphone as the feature phone is no longer working for the business. You will have to kill your time for the consultation. Buying a smartphone requires money and also the phone bills.
The palm reader also does require a website. Nowadays, having a website starts at 20k and it may go up to any amount depending upon your requirement. You may integrate payment gateway to receive money from the international destinations.
You can also go for the mobile app on play store and app store to offer services. Apart from this, the promotion and advertising on the search engines and social media do need plethora of money.
Here are 20 ways and means to earn money as a palmist on the internet
Have a website on palm reading
Today, it is out of the question to run a business without a website. More than half of the world’s demography are connected on the internet. Everything happens on the move as almost everyone has a smartphone. Hence, it is extremely imperative to have a website on palmistry and promote it on the search engine and social media channels. You can have thousands of visitors on your website from different parts of the world. Palmreadingworld.com was my first website where I used to get 20,000 visitors per month. I used to get the client from different part of the world.
Sell eBook on palmistry
Most of the astrologers and palmist are in search of books. Today, everyone is eager to learn palm reading by the help of internet. You can write an eBook and sell it on Amazon and other ecommerce portal. You can also post your palm reading content in the form of PDF across the various document publishing portal. The SlideShare is one of the most popular document publishing sites where you can publish document on hand reading.
Earn money by teaching palm reading online

The people around the world are eager to learn virtually. The internet is a boon to learn even without a teacher. However, there are many people those who are eager to learn palmistry and earn money online. You can easily teach on Skype and Google Hangout to earn money while teaching palmistry.
Offer paid services
If you have a website, you can offer paid services to the people. Make the services affordable to everyone or you may offer different customized services on palm reading. You can offer different services on the internet for your palmistry services such health, wealth, career, profession, business, love, marriage, higher studies, buying house and overseas travel etc.
Sell space on your website
If you have website on palmistry you can get visitors in course of time. However, it is very important that you have been posting regular content on your website in order to attract visitors. Once the visitors have been increased on your website, you can earn money by selling advertising space on your website. The Google AdSense is one of the most popular ways of earning money on the internet.
Run affiliate marketing
Running affiliate marketing on your website can be more lucrative. However, it is not feasible to earn money by affiliate marketing unless you have visitors on your palmistry website. You should post regular content on your palm reading blog so as to boost visitors on your blog. Once, your blog has spectacular visitors, you can earn money by affiliate marketing.
Integrate payment gateway on your hand reading website
Today, most of the people are with smartphone that has triggered digital payment during last couple of years. The demonetization in India has further compelled the users to make digital payment. If you have a website and blog, then it is the right time to integrate payment gateway to earn money from the international market. I usually receive money by PayPal and western union. Nowadays, the payment gateways are free and hassle-free.
Earn Money from social media

There is a huge demand in the market for the predictive science of palmistry, astrology, numerology, yoga, Vastu sastra, Feng Shui, gemstone and its related sciences. The social media is a boon for the palm reader who is eager to earn money. The social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn is the aggregator where you can earn money. Even, today the astrologers and palmists have started their own WhatsApp group
Promote on twitter
We all are aware of the Twitter. Though Twitter is not highly adored by the people, it has its own specialty due to the presence of celebrities. The most popular leaders of the world like Narendra Modi and Donald Trump even pass messages to the people by the Twitter.
If you are a palmist, this the right time to promote yourself on the Twitter. Regular twitting can boost your visitors and ultimately clients from all over the world.
Promote on LinkedIn
No one can deny the effectiveness of the professional network of the LinkedIn. The professional social media giant LinkedIn is full of professional people those who earn and can spend money for the reading of fate and fortune.
Therefore, we palmist should also use the LinkedIn platform as our marketing tool to get money.
Develop YouTube channel
The YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world. The people have been uploading videos to promote and brand their business. There are many astrologers and palmists available on the YouTube. The YouTube is boon for the palm readers.
There are many popular palm reading channels on the YouTube that you can visit and learn. Developing the video on palmistry is not a hard nut to crack.
Most of the palmistry channels on the YouTube are screencast. You can simply subscribe the screencasting software available online.
Your YouTube channel will not only bring money by bringing clients internationally but also you can get money by advertising.
Have Facebook Group
The Facebook is one of the most import social channel which you can take advantage. There are two ways to make a presence on Facebook.
If you are a palmist and you are eager to promote your palm reading services then, you should start creating either a page or group.
The page can have likes and the group can have members. The fan page can be run both free and paid. While the group is completely free. There are many people who love astrology and hand reading can join your group and you can ultimately get internet popularity and money.
Join WhatsApp group
Almost half of the world’s population are connected to the WhatsApp. Doing palmistry on the WhatsApp has been extremely easy.
I usually get my clients on the internet. The people from the different part of the world do send the hands photograph and I predict their fate. There are many popular groups in India on astrology and palm reading.
You can either join such group or you may create your own group. You can join Future Samachar WhatsApp group by requesting to Vinay Garg on this Number – 98103 89429 and Bhavishya Sanket Charcha by connecting the mobile number – 98608 70648. The number belongs to Sunder Pune
Write articles and blogs for other palm reading websites
Today, writing content is one of the most lucrative professions in the world. No writer is sitting idle. If writing is your forte, you can either write palm reading content for your own website or you may also write the content for the third-party websites.
There are ample of websites that can pay you upfront for your article relating to the science of hand reading.
Enlist your business on the business directory
The Yellow Pages that used to work few years ago are no longer working. Generally, the people used to list their businesses in the Yellow pages. However, the printed version of Yellow Pages are no longer working for the business.
Of late, many online business directory have come to the market. The Justdial, Indiamart and sulekha are the example of online yellow pages. I have enlisted my palmistry services on these business directories that is free of cost. I also usually get leads from these directories. You can also take their premium services to get leads.
Create an App
The android app on play store and Apple App on the App store are getting popularity these days. There are ample of apps on the science of palm reading and astrology available in both the play store and app store.
You can develop your own app or you may also offer your astrology and palm reading services on the third party app. You can just check my profile on askmonk and urbanclap. I have been earning quite handsome amount of money by encompassing my hand reading services.
The Askmonk offers services on the revenue sharing basis, while Urbanclap offers you premium services. You need to buy the leads by paying small amount of money.
Sell audio book
Nowadays, the people have been moving from PDF file to audio book. Though audio book on palmistry is not that much effective, yet you can get visitors to your website by getting the links from these audio portals.
Email marketing
Every business has an end. The Yahoo is no longer the people’s cup of tea. The Myspace was one of the biggest social media channels that is no more working on the internet. The demise of social networking portal Orkut still fresh in our memory.
You have given a lot of time to develop content on your website and social media for your palmistry business. One fine day, you came to know that the social media giant Facebook is closed. What will you do? No clue and you will start scratching your head in puzzlement.
That is why start collecting the email ID by the help of your subscribers on your blog. Also, you can use the email ID of your previous customers to get further palm reading business.
In a nutshell, the email marketing works like a mobile phone. If you have the email ID of your customer, you will remain in touch forever.
Write blog post
Blogging is one the biggest trend these days. The astrologers and palmists have been promoting themselves across various channels.
If you have a linguistic gear, then you can write blog posts every day. Writing and posting the content relating to palmistry on your blog can redouble your visitors and business.
Use Quora and Yahoo answer
I want a straight forward answer. You want too. Getting an instant answer or within a short span of time can save your time and money.
The people do ask queries on the internet. If you check Quora and Yahoo answer, the people interacts with plethora of questions and answers.
You can reply and solve the queries of the people on these catechism portals in order to preserve future clients.
The astrologers and palmist have been quite technical these days. The people do ask everything on the internet.
I have almost posted everything. If you have any advice to add this post, I will be happy to include.
In a nutshell, almost 90% of my clients are from the internet and most of them I have never seen even talked on the phone. Everything happens on the Email and mobile messenger.
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