Celebrity Hand Reading
Beginners Guide to Shape and Size of the Palm
The science of palm reading has been divided into two parts. One is chirognomy and the other one is chiromancy.The study of chiromancy basically deals with the shape and sizes of the hand, fingers, thumb, skin, colors and nails of the palm. The shape and size of the palm tell all about your nature and character.It can say if you are intelligent or brainless. The chirognomy in palm reading can reveal if you are a man of courage or a timid.
It can easily say if you are strong willed, stubborn or lack of volition. The chirognomy has certainly a major role in predicting the human intelligence, courage, fearfulness, will power, glory and even material success.It is altogether impossible to predict the human fate without proper study of the shape, size, thumb, nails, fingers, skin and colors of the palm.

There are people who read the palm without studying the shape, size, thumb, fingers nails. If such a palmist starts reading your palm without studying the chirognomy part of the palm reading, then you should understand the palm reader is a fake and has not even touched the book on the hand reading.
In a nutshell, chirognomy covers the following areas of palm reading
Types of hand
No faces are equal in the world. As the faces, so the palms. You will find no palms are identical. However, the human hand has been divided into 7 parts for the purpose of calculation and classification of the different people.
Elementary hand
The elementary hand belongs to labor class people. You can easily check such hands with people those are manual workers. The hand is ugly to look at. It is also extremely thick and fingers are apparently short.
The person having elementary hand would possess rough skin and pale color. The people with elementary hands are emotionless, unsympathetic, rude, angry and with low intellect. These people don’t think of future of the life. They are generally more resistant to pain than other class of palm.
Square hand
As a rule, the Square palm looks like a square. The length of the palm and fingers are almost equal. The base and tips of the fingers are equal. The thumb is well set and moderate in size.
The nails of the person belong to Square hand is more or less square looking. Generally, the square hand is smaller in comparison to the body. The skin of this palm is thick and hard. If you do have this kind of palm, then you have the following characteristics.
The person having the square hand is quite practical and believes in leading a realistic lifestyle. They are so practical that they have a proclivity to study every condition in detail. The don’t believe in the long interpretation.
Most of the people belong to the square hand are into business. The become highly successful in business. They are sociable and outgoing.
In most cases, the family and friends seek their help to solve the volatile problem.
Some of the characteristics of the square hand given below
You consider the practical benefits of everything as you are man of practical
You don’t daydream
You don’t believe in imagination, gossiping, talks to finalize the things. You require logic and proof to come to an end.
You pay close attention to your business and make the strategy accordingly.
You believe in peace and strict followers of rule, law and order.
You believe in working in a proper way and not in haste.
Most of you enter into business and you can excel in defense and police if you are into job.
You are very religious and particular about prayer.
Conic Hand or Artistic Hand

The Conic hand is one of the beautiful hands. The fingers are tapering and the palm looks like a cone. That is why it is called conic hand. It is also synonymously called artistic hand.
The person belongs to conic hand is highly imaginative, artistic and creative. It is also called artistic hand as the hand possess the artistic qualities.
It is not always necessary that the person having artistic hand should be a painter, singer, dancer or a writer. The person is highly emotional and serious tendency to enjoy artistic things such colors, music, painting and nature’s gift.
However, it is extremely important to read the head line on the palm while reading conic or artistic hand. The palm reader also should study the thumb and tax the brain to come to the conclusion about the artistic activities of the person.
The person having conic hand with soft, fleshy and full generally develop a tendency towards indolence. It is extremely imperative for the person to keep the laziness under control to achieve phenomenal growth in life.
Most of the people belong to conical shape of hand are volatile by nature. They seldom try to do something in art than preaching. Most of the intellectual people in the society such as teacher, speaker, politician and artist would possess conic hand.
Philosophic Hand
The philosophic hand is fairly thin, long, bony, angular with knotty joints. As a rule, the person belongs philosophic hand is highly studious. They have a great command over literature and voracious reader as well. They are more or less ascetic bent of mind and to some extent lonely. Most people with this kind of hand are in love with sedentary work. Maybe, due to such reasons most of the people with this kind of palm are involved with the spiritual, religious and philosophical movement.
The sages and saints those who contributed us the wonderful works of art, science, philosophy, doctrine, occult studies, and alchemy etc. all had possessed the philosophic hand.
In the modern world, such philosophic people can be easily recognized despite materialism and mechanical life.
However, nowadays it might be bit difficult to find that superior quality of the philosophic hand. You can get the philosophic hand with little modification. The hand is generally with knotty fingers and the base is square.
The person with square cum philosophic hand is both practical and research-orientedd. On the basis of their practical nature and studious mind they create new theories in art, literature and science.
It is very rarely found with material success with such kinds of palm. The head line is generally a sloping line. However, the straight line can’t be denied. When the line of head is straight with a square cum philosophic hand, it makes more practical use of research oriented brain. As a rule, these kinds of people are not money hoarder.
The jointed or knotty fingers with a philosophic hand makes one extra careful and they go into details in everything. They are highly receptive in their brain.
The philosophic hands are highly gifted in their mental side.
Spatulate Hand
The Spatulate hand is irregular in its look and crooked with the large pad in the tips of the finger. The fingers are generally found with larger tips. The spatulate hand is synonymously called the active nervous hand. The person with the Spatulate hand is seen with enormous strength and energy.
The appearance of this kind of palm is like a spatula. The thumb of the spatulate hand is wider or large. Though the fingers are tapering, the base of the hand is extremely wider. The root of the fingers of this hand is wider than the wrist of the hand or vice versa.
The people with spatulate hand love discovery and invention. They are imaginative, innovative and inventive. They highly knowledgeable as they always remain in search of knowledge. They are extremely restless and excitable by nature.
They are genius and energetic and have a tendency to take the risk. They have a practical outlook with the touch of imagination.
The wider wrist makes them impulsive or they sometimes take the decision without forethought. The wider root of the finger makes them very practical in all of their activities.
Though the spatulate hand indicates restlessness, they are full of enthusiasm and energy towards achieving their goal.
The specialty of the Spatulate hand is that whatever they do, they display their marked individuality.
The people with the spatulate hand are generally seen successful as inventors, navigators, explorers, discoverers, astronauts, initiators, artisans, and engineers.
Psychic Hand
The psychic hand is considered the highest development of the palm. The people with psychic hand is generally seen less successful in life. They are devoid of material success. The person with psychic hand do live in the realm of ideals and dreams.
They are unaware of the material side of existence and they are not practical in their thought. So far as earning is concerned, they earn so less that they have to live in starvation.
What Are the Basic Palmistry Requirements for Learning
Every study and learning has the basic requirements such as mentor, books, resources and networking. There was a time when it was really difficult to find the Guru who can teach you palmistry. It was also extremely difficult to get books on the palmistry requirements when you belong to the rural topography of India.
I used to stay in Odisha and buy the books on palmistry from Ranjan Publications, New Delhi, Randhir Prakashans, Haridwar and Chaukhamba Publications, Varanasi.

However, buying books these days has been easy due to the presence of internet. You can buy the books from the global ecommerce giant Amazon or domestic ecommerce king Flipkart from the comfort of your home.
Basically, I am a self-teacher. I did not learn palm reading from anyone. I used to sit with my father Dr. Harekrushna Prusty who is a notable astrologer, palmist and numerologist in Odisha.
My college friends did encourage me to study and research. The truthfulness of palmistry further encouraged me to research. In this article, I will let you know what books I usually read and the resource I use to develop my knowledge in the field of palm reading.
Books on palmistry

The books on the hand reading are the basic palmistry requirements for developing knowledge on this esoteric science. There are many books written by ancient sages and modern palmist as well.
My personal choice recommends ‘Chiero’s Language of the Hand’ written by Cheiro. Though ‘’Chiero’’ belonged to Ireland and did his profession throughout world, his work is adored by everyone in the modern world.
He learned palmistry from India and spread the science of hand reading to not only Europe but also the world.
He has written many books on palmistry and numerology. I am going to recommend some of them written by Chiero.
- Chiero’s Language of the hand
- Chiero’s Guide to the hand
- Chiero’s you and your and hand
- Chiero’s book of palmistry, astrology and numerology
Apart from this, you can also go through the books like “Practical Palmistry’’ by Narayan Dutt Srimali.
You can also go through the book Hand reading made easy by Noel Jaquin.
Of late, there are many books available as a Kindle edition on Amazon or you can get palmistry book as PDF.
The people you require to learn palm reading
Now, you have many palmistry books in your library. However, you are in a crossroad about what to do. You have already completed few chapters on palmistry in your first book but in vain.
You can’t read the hand of your friend’s and even your own palm. You are in a puzzlement. In the beginning of your career in palm reading, you will find many hurdles.
The members of your family may defy you to do palmistry. Some people will start mocking at you. However, you have to cross all these limitations to achieve your goal to become a successful palmist.
The people are really required to read and understand the truthfulness of hand reading and its effectiveness. It is impossible to tell outsiders that you are a palmist and would like to read the palm. If you do so, you will be considered as mad by the people.
Hence, you should study your own hand first and you can also study the palm of your family members. You can also study the hands of your friends those are close to you in the learning phase of palmistry.
Never try to read the palms of people gathering together.
Once you are confident, you can gradually read the hands of the people and get money. Also, a small piece of advice not to offer free palm reading services as the people will not value your knowledge and effort.
Internet and palmistry
Before two decades there were no internet connectivity. However, more than half of the world’s population are connected to the internet. The internet is a tool which is hidden treasure of free learning stuff.
If you are eager to learning palmistry, then internet is a boon. There are plethora of literature on palmistry you can go through for the study and research as all information related to palmistry requirements are present in internet.
Join social media channels dedicated to palm reading

There are ample of groups on astrology, palmistry, numerology, and Vastu Shastra. There are many experienced palm readers shares their opinion on the Facebook and other social media groups.
The Yahoo answer and Quora is extremely popular for the discussion on hand reading and palmistry requirements.
You can even either create a WhatsApp group or join a group so that you can learn and get customers easily.
Read blogs on palmistry

Today, blogging is a buzz. The internet is full of blogs on multifarious subjects. You will find ample of palm reading blogs.
These blogs are equipped with palm images, video on palmistry and PDF file as well that is completely free. You can even ask your queries related to palmistry requirements.
Watch videos on hand reading
There are ample of videos available on the YouTube these days which you can watch and learn. However, you need to tax your brain while learning the science of Indian palmistry on the internet. You might get confused in the beginning since the internet is full of knowledge and difference of opinion.
Ultimately you require a Guru
Maybe I was lucky to learn palmistry without Guru. I didn’t choose any Guru. However, I don’t deny help of my father who usually discusses all about palmistry, numerology and astrology.
Nowadays, there are ample of hand readers who teach palmistry on the internet. You can search their profile and study their reviews before joining palm reading learning classes.
The Ultimate Guide to Learning Palmistry
Don’t you love to know the innate nature and characteristics of a person who is completely unfamiliar to you? If you love, then there is no other better tool than palm reading to read not only nature and characters but also the fate and fortune.
There are very rare numbers of people who can play, read and understand the secrets of the human being. Palmistry is one of the foolproof mediums to read human fate and mentality of any unknown person.
Learning palmistry is one of the most enticing subjects in the world. The palm reading is a science that will not only gives you respect but also money instantly.
What benefits I got by learning palmistry and you can too
First of all, palmistry is a combination of science and literature. I developed my literary skill drastically. I am going to share some of my experience in palmistry in a nutshell below.
- I came in contact with influential people.
- I got knowledge of internet and search engine technology, social media optimization, Mobile Apps promotion, and writing.
- I also traveled many countries like Switzerland, Holland, Turkey, Serbia, Croatia, Austria, and Israel etc.
- I delivered lecture in IIT Bombay on search engine optimization.
- I am a guest faculty at World Media Academy in Lower Parel, Mumbai, India.
- I got money almost from every corner of the world.
All these happened without studying any computer course and all these are gifts of palmistry.
Since I came in contact with the people from different walks of life, I learned due to my eagerness.
I am sure, you can too do all these things and earn money and respect from the different part of the world.
I was quite sceptic about the study and science of palmistry. However, I came to know that it is a science after studying the human characters and fate.
Now I will guide you as to how to learn palmistry within a short span of time and effortlessly.
Chapter – 1
The chapter one covers the basic requirements of learning palm reading. Every study and science need to have basis requirements like Guru or mentor, books, timing and networking as well. In this chapter, you will come to know how to get books, Guru and even how to research.
It is very important to find even relevant people for the study and research. The right and relevant people can a source of inspiration.
What Are the Basic Requirements of Learning Palmistry
Chapter – 2
The eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin has the different roles. In the same way, why there are fingers, thumb, and nails? Because, the nature has given the different role to the thumb, nails, fingers and mounts of the palm.
You can simply understand the importance of the thumb when the thumb is removed. You can be immensely powerless without the thumb.
Similarly, the nails have the importance in the study of palmistry. The nails are widely used for the determination of the human diseases.
In this chapter, I will teach you as to how to have command over chirognomy. You can easily unlock the story of any unfamiliar people even from the distance of 10 meters.
Also, you can learn what your thumb says.
What your fingers say about your mentality and intelligence.
What diseases you are likely to suffer from. If it is heart diseases or ailments pertaining to bronchial tubes.
Even this is not the end. You will come to know if someone is analytical or argumentative etc. etc.
Beginners Guide to Shape and Size of the Palm